IF Climbing

Instrument Flying




  • An aircraft can climb only if it can produce excess thrust.
  • Procedures to climb:
    • Attitude + power + trim.
    • 100 rpm = 5 kts = 100 feets per minute.
  • Procedures to Level off:
    • Attitude + power + trim.
    • Start leveling off at 10% of your rate of climb.
  • Trim is not a control device – fly with elevators and use trim only to relieve pressure

Scan technique: Climbing

  • What information do I need ?
    • Pitch, speed, altitude, heading.
  • Which instrument give me the needed?
    • Attitude indicator and Airspeed indicator to ensure that the desired attitude is maintained. If the climb attitude is correct, the airspeed will stabilize at the desired airspeed. If the airspeed is low or high make an appropriate pitch correction
    • Heading indicator to ensure that the desired heading is maintained.
    • Vertical speed indicator to ensure that the desired rate of climb is maintained
  • Is the Information reliable ?
    • Confirm the reliability of the heading indicator by referring to the turn coordinator and the magnetic compass.
    • Confirm the reliability of the vertical speed indicator by referring to the altimeter.

Scan technique: Level-off

  • What information do I need?
    • Heading, Altitude
  • Which instruments give me the needed information?
    • Heading indicator + Altimeter.
  • Is the information reliable?
    • Confirm the reliability of the heading indicator by referring to the turn coordinator and the magnetic compass.
    • Confirm the reliability of the altimeter by referring to the vertical speed indicator and the airspeed indicator.
Climb entry for constant-airspeed climb.
Stabilized climb at constant airspeed.
flight Instrument climbing
Stabilized climb at constant rate.

Review questions

  • What are the four primary instrument during a straight climb ?
  • What are the three questions to ask to determine which instruments to scan for a climb ?
  • What is the rule of thumb for leveling off?
Study flight
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